
P301-16 IC Schematic Circuit Diagram Datasheet and Pinout

The P301-16 IC is used in various sizes of AUO LCD panels. These ICs are manufactured by AUO company. This IC works for LCD TVs or monitor power management. At times, DC-to-DC converter circuits face various complex problems. In this case, the circuit diagram, pinout, and datasheet
of P301-16 IC need to be followed to facilitate easy repair of the LCD panel. Therefore, the datasheet, circuit diagram, and pin function details of the P301.16 IC are published below.

IC Number - AUO P301-16, P301 16
Application - TFT LCD Power Solution by PWM With Adjustable Delay Control
Package Type - QFN 28-5X5
Temparatureh -40°C to +85°C
Input Voltage - Minimum 9.5 Volts to maximum 14 Volts DC
PWM Frequency 1 - 750KHz Fixed Frequency for Logic (Buck Voltage)
PWM Frequency 2 - 500 KHz to 2000 KHz for Voltage Boost

AUO P301-16 IC Circuit Diagram Datasheet Pinout and Equivalent

P301-16 IC Datasheet Pin 1 to 14

SL---- Pin ---Pin Function
1---- OS --- PWM Output Sensing Pin
2---- GND - Ground Pin
3 --- IN1---PWM Boost Feedback In
4 --- GD ---  Gate Driver of MOSFET
5 --- FO1 --- PWM Error Amp Output
6 --- SS --- PWM Boost Soft Start
7 -- VREF --- Reference Voltage Output

8 --- INN --- VGL LDO Cont. Feedback
9 --- OUT --- VGL LDO Controller Output
10 --- VDC --- Internal LDO Output Pin
11 --- DLY2--- Power Up Delay
12 --- CBOOT--- Get Driver Voltage ENA1 & VGH
13 --- SWB--- Buck PWM Power MOS Switching
14 --- SWB --- Buck PWM Power MOS Switching

15 --- VIN --- Operating Voltage In 
16 --- VIN--- Operating Voltage In 
17 --- INB--- Step-Down PWM Feedback Input
18 --- EOB--- Step-Down PWM Error Amp Out
19 --- DLY1--- Power Up Delay  (EN1 and GD)
20 --- FSW--- PWM Boost Switching Frequency

21 --- INP--- VGH LDO Controller FB Input
22 --- OutP--- VGH LDO Controller FB Output
23 --- ENA1--- PWM Boost Enable
24 --- ENA2--- PWM Buck Enable
25 --- GND1--- Voltage Boost Circuit Ground
26 --- GND1--- Voltage Boost Circuit Ground
27 --- SW--- Buck PWM Power MOS Ground
28 --- SW--- Buck PWM Power MOS Ground

AUO P301-16 IC Schematic Circuit Diagram

Following the AUO 32-inch LCD TV display panel, the circuit diagram below is designed with the P301.16 IC installed in the DC-to-DC converter or power management circuit.
The serial numbers of the components on the diagram will not match any LCD, but hopefully, the circuit diagram of the P301-16 IC is entirely accurate.

Schematic Circuit Diagram of AUO P301-16 IC
AUO P301-16 IC Circuit Diagram and Pinout

P301-16 IC Substitution / Equiavalent IC

The P301-16 IC's pinout and pin functions are the same as the P301.30 IC, but it can be researched whether one is an alternative.
TPS65170 IC Circuit Diagram Datasheet Here

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