
RT8295AH IC Circuit Diagram Datasheet and Everything

RT8295AH is an 8-pin high-efficiency current mode synchronous step-down voltage regulator IC. It has a wide input voltage range of DC 4.5V to 23 volts. The RT8295AH IC has a maximum output current of 2 amps. This IC is used to power the Sony Bravia LCD TV, and it is also used in other applications whose requirements match the specifications of this IC. On this page, you will find - RT8295AH IC schematic circuit diagram, datasheet, pinout or pin configuration, input-output voltage details, and current (Ampere) related information.

Some outstanding features of RT8295AH IC:

• Soft Start – It is programmable

• Operation frequency- 340kHz fixed

• Output and input under voltage protection

• Thermal shutdown and input under-voltage lockout

• High Accuracy Feedback Voltage - ±1.5%

• Integrated N-Channel MOSFET for output current accuracy

Related IC RT8292AH Schematic Circuit Diagram

Some essential information about RT8295AH IC for power problem solution of LED TV:

The figure below is a basic circuit diagram of the RT8295AH IC. Depending on the input voltage load and current rate of different application circuits, the RT8295AH circuit diagram may have a few more components.

RT8295AH IC Schematic Circuit Diagram and Pinout

In the circuit diagram below, note that the input voltage (VIN) is connected to pin 2 of the RT8295AH IC. For the Sony Bravia TV, this input voltage is 19 volts. If pin-3 does not output 2 volts, check for a short circuit in the output load circuit. If the FB or feedback pin resistors are damaged, the 2V output will be interrupted. Moreover, the voltage will not be output if other components are damaged.

Schematic Circuit Diagram of RT8295AH IC and its Pinout
RT8295AH IC Schematic Circuit Diagram and Pinout

Value of components in RT8295A/H IC basic circuit diagram

(Component values may be slightly different ​​for different applications)

IC- RT8295A / RT8289AH

C1- 0.1µF, C2- 0.1µF, C3- 0.1µF, C4- 3.3nF, C5- 0.1µF

R1-100KΩ, R2- 75KΩ, R3- 13KΩ, R4- 24KΩ, L1- 10µH

Substitution or Equivalent of RT8295AH pdf

So far, I have yet to determine the information on the alternative or substitution IC of RT8295AH. I am collecting data on the IC precisely similar to this IC circuit, which I will update as soon as I get it.

Many of you asked on YouTube for a PDF of RT8295AH, so this page published the circuit diagram, pinout, and voltage details instead of a PDF.

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